South Africa DG Set Market Analysis
The South African DG set market generated revenue of USD 128.2 million in 2023, which is expected to witness a CAGR of 4.2% during 2024–2030, to reach USD 170.1 million by 2030. The high need for medium- and high-power DG sets from the commercial sector and the growth in the manufacturing and construction industries are driving the market growth. The growth in these industries is due to the macroeconomic development, increase in capital expenditure (CAPEX) by public and private players, and government reforms and incentives to encourage foreign and domestic investments in various industries.
The major areas supporting South Africa's economy include the legal, financial, communications, and transport sectors, as well as an open trade policy and a relatively strong domestic market. Moreover, the efforts of the government for the construction of healthcare infrastructure (including health & wellness centers), power industry rebound, and establishment of business hubs and industries are driving the demand for an uninterrupted power supply.
Moreover, hybrid generators are becoming increasingly popular in the country because they have lower operating costs and are less reliant on a single fuel. Furthermore, the frequent power outages in the country have resulted in crippling traffic delays, as well as reduced mining activities and lower factory outputs. DG sets play an important role in these industries by ensuring a continuous power supply for smooth operations, especially in remote locations with no or unreliable grid connectivity. The vigorous growth of the abovementioned sectors is, therefore, likely to provide lucrative opportunities for the development of the DG set market in South Africa.