Gamification integrates immersive gaming elements into nongame contexts in order to enhance engagement and motivating certain behaviors. Gamification makes use of game design and mechanics, for example leaderboards, badges, rewards, and points to encourage participation and making tasks more enjoyable. It is put to use in a number of fields, such as marketing, education, employee training, health and customer engagement.
For example, educational applications may employ gamification for making learning more fun for students, while businesses may use it for improving the performance of employees, boost loyalty of customers, or reward customers and employees. Successful gamification needs a good understanding of the target audiences, their motivation and the context in which the approach is applied.
The total value of the gamification market will reach around 70.4 billion, by the end of this decade. Let us see, which are the top players operating in the market, in this blog.
Establishment: 1972
Headquarters: Germany
The company offers enterprise application software and associated services. It provides various solutions, such as ERP and financial management, analytics, intelligent technologies, people engagement, digital supply chain, human resource, network, spend management, customer relationship management,
The company has various business software and enterprise applications. It has a client base in oil, gas and energy, consumer products, financial services, transportation, and logistics, aerospace and defense, chemicals, to name a few. The company has partnered over 24000 companies, at a global level, and the total revenue of the company in 2022 was EU 29.52 billion.
Establishment: 2007
Headquarters: India
It is a game-based training company, creating simulation-based training, game-based learning and gamification solutions for all business processes They provide-customized learning solutions, which are cost effective, LMS compatible and are designed for mobiles and laptops.
Its solutions can also be ported to AR and VR devices. The client-base of the organization includes defense organizations, Fortune1000 companies & governments to transform training content into gamified, interactive, and immersive experiences.
Establishment: 2011
Headquarters: Canada
This company specializes in employee enabling solutions that gives employees what they require to learn and get things done. Embedded two-way communication and feedback guarantee staff is kept informed and engaged, no matter, what is the size of an organization. Guided task management shows personnel exactly how to make the best use of training, on a daily basis.
Axonify is used by companies for delivering higher sales, next-level CX, improved safety of the workplace and lower turnover. The company has more than 3.5 million frontline workers in more than 160 nations, more than 250 companies such as Kroger, Lowe’s, Walmart and Citizens Bank.
Establishment: 1950
Headquarters: U.S.
It is an engagement agency making the use of principles of behavioral economics for producing assessable business results by designing and delivering solutions that are good for engaging employees, customers, and channel partners. The offices of the company is situated in Australia, U.S., Canada, China, LATAM, India, and the U.K. Several solutions such as sales incentives, employee recognition and reward programs, customer engagement marketing, global business solutions, promotional marketing, gamification, corporate event solutions and coalition marketing.
Establishment: 2019
Headquarters: India
This company offers both, tech-led along with innovative physical gamified solutions for transforming the outcomes of business, and allow employees to have fun for people working in a company. The theory of the company is Inspired by the 'Octalysis' and the neuroscience of play, they bring about human-focused design into the center of all their solutions.
Establishment: 2009
Headquarters: Singapore
Gametize is an enterprise-grade gamification platform for community engagement and advocacy. Clients make use of Gametize to for motivating target behaviors for numerous purposes, for example in employees, consumer marketing/sales advocacy and training/performance management. The extremely customizable and adaptable solution is accessible on cloud and on-premises.
This company has the trust of is trusted of big brands, such as Samsung, Shell, P&G, Singtel, DBS and Accenture, with 15 million challenge completions and over 300,000 registered users. Gametize is endorsed by academics and research companies in reports or case studies.
Establishment: 2010
Headquarters: Australia
The company partners with and trains Marketing agencies for offering their clients with Branded Video Games. They have got partnerships with marketing agencies such as True & OMD, and 99, for producing games Wendy's KFC & Air New Zealand. These games have increased user engagement and voucher redemption 7times more efficient than video.
The software provided by this company is used by thousands of clients, the engine is now the reliable back-end for the major web platform in the world; WIx.Com with more than 100 million clients at a global level.
Establishment: 1975
Headquarters: U.S.
Microsoft Corporation provides various software products, services. It has got a lot of operating systems, server applications business solution applications, software development tools, desktop and server management tools. It is also a producer and seller of tablets, PCs. Microsoft offers various services, such as, solution support, cloud-based solutions, and consulting services.
It distributes, markets, and sells its offerings with OEMs, distributors, resellers, online marketplaces, Microsoft stores etc. The total revenue of the company in 2022 was USD 198,270 billion in 2022, which was 18% over that of the preceding year.
Establishment: 1999
Headquarters: U.S.
It is a cloud-based CRM software. It helps the companies in finding more prospects, crack and close more deals, and connect with customers in an entirely different way, so they can offer them with amazing service at scale.
Salesforce collaborates all the data from any source, unites service, marketing, sales, commerce, and IT teams with an exclusive, shared view of customer info. With AI integrated across all products, this company helps people in an organization to work more productively and deliver the tailored experiences that are loved by the customers. The last quarter revenue of 2023 for the company was USD 31.4 billion.
Establishment: 2007
Headquarters: Canada
The company is a full-service technology, creative and marketing service for pushing the limits of mobile, web, and wearable for offering innovative marketing solutions for customers.
It provides digital marketing, technology, and branded merchandise services and solutions. They build tools for businesses, offer inspiring marketing solutions, and formulate branded merchandise for promotion of brands.
With the gamification market being so competitive, it is not that difficult to gauge the potential of this technology going forward.
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